Truecaller app for Windows 10 mobile updated with new features. - Available on

Truecaller app for Windows 10 mobile updated with new features. - Available on

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Download truecaller for windows phone free.True Caller Tracker


We appreciate all the love! For those who wander this is great for small restaurants and businesses in general. I've been badly waiting fr this updte All the ratings for that app look like ass. That's because they were all written before this feature came out. Before this update, the app didn't do much at all.

It allowed you to look up a number that keeps calling you, but only after the fact. Kinda useless. Mostly because it only did caller ID stuff after the call, which makes it a gimped app. People had expectations, they were not met, so they left bad reviews, which is a bit unfair. It's not Truecaller's fault as real-time Caller ID required deeper access to the OS, which is what Microsoft gave them--hence the "partnership". Try this new version, which is just for 8.

I saw the ratings about two weeks ago and skipped the app. This information sheds new light on the problem, thanks. I will try it now! Thank you Daniel for pointing this out! Thank you John for the article too. Daniel Rubino: Exactly. I use it so often for unknown numbers. But, as others stated, I could use it after the call itself.

Now, this app is on par with Android. Hi Daniel, Thanks for briefing everyone about how Truecaller works, we appreciate it! As I have anyway mentioned in one of my mail, this comments section contains the problem faced in turning on the caller id. It's cause it didn't have live caller ID..

People were annoyed that android had it and WP didn't. I'll try it Reinstall the app. And it only works with 3g or wifi and not 2g. You are not alone bro.. Install the app directly on phone memory and not SD card like I had, uninstall the app change it from storage sense for apps installation on phone do not transfer the app, directly install it from app store on phone memory it will work :.

I already installed and tested with my Lumia Preview for Developers Running flawless! Because according to the article, you need that as well.

Maybe Cyan also.. Same problem here. Needs cyan apparently. Hey man.! Install the app on phone memory after uninstalling it from ur SD card.! It will work do not transfer the app but directly install it from store. My apps installed directly to memory by default, this did not change the fact it's not working for my with Dev Preview on my If you have any more problem or wants specific links to the webpage to upgrade then please contact our support truecaller.

Hey,how to get the 30 day free premium trial? Well, officially confirmed by truecaller. It needs Cyan. The app still does nothing, I have all 3 updated an running. Just got confirmation from the manufacture that it's not working on the developer preview editions. I hope this works. Although I really don't understand why the carriers don't inslude this info as the call comes in.

If they can do it for landlines, why not to a cell? Not compatible with my firmware. Why is this an app? Surely you are mistaken ; Caller ID lookup is akin to a service, not a one-off thing you write. It requires access to databases around the world for the relevant information. MSFT have no difficulty updating Cortana, she's both baked in and updated via the cloud.

You are bascially telling Microsoft to get into the phone database business, creating a new division in the company, replicating services already available, and hiring a new team to create and manage. I really think you are glossing over what is involved here. Companies to do not have bottomless pits of money to just endlessly create departments and divisions for apps or services with niche audiences. They can integrate truecaller in the OS itself.

It would be good. Maybe a purchase of the company itself and rolling it into skype maybe but it's kind of crazy to expect MS to go through this much trouble for a small feature like this. Was about to tip you guys when I saw this. Its rating won't go below 4 now. Or T-Mobile, my poor suffering here. At least you don't have an Yep - shit out of luck with the icon from Verizon. They suck balls. Unfortunately true caller is blocked by SA government. Cus they got them rich oil fegs.

Your firmware do not support caller id on Lumia with 8. Mine too. HTC One M8. It's only for Lumia devices. Only for Lumia devices?? Completely wrong. The app is not called "Lumia Truecaller". It's still not letting me turn on caller id. Any ideas why? I have the same problem Move the app to phone memory it works for me It was already in phone memory.

Uninstalling the app and then installing the app directly to the phone did the trick. Caller id is now working. Real time caller ID does not work with the developer preview version. Works for me. Yep me to came to know that the caller id works when installed on phone memory and not SD card.! Does your phone operate on the preview for developers? It's wierd cause while i was installing the new update, it showed that this feature won't work with my phone's firmware version.

It's working fine with other devices running Cyan. Cyan is needed. A pointless app. A proper "Whitelist" which only allowed calls from certain numbers would surely be better offering and something that is missing from WP.

I have sent Microsoft this request before. At the moment we can only block unknown numbers after they have called and Cortanas quiet option is too restrictive. I should be able to block all calls that aren't in my phonebook automatically like I could on Android.

I don't care if this app can tell me which spamy company is ringing me. If I can block it automatically then its not an issue. My bank etc is already in my phonebook and if its anything important they will write anyway. Can you not add your entire phonebook as your inner circle and then keep quiet hours on always?

It's sort of an emergency workaround but means having the Cortana Moon Icon thing running at the Top status bar at all times as well as turning off Notifications. I'd prefer a simpler "block all unknown calls" in the OS with a divert to voicemail option.

Looks like MSFT won't be offering the feature you requested. I too miss being able to block numbers when I was using Android. I think hope at some point Microsoft may offer this feature. When I filled in the feedback online there were lots of other threads requesting a "Whitelist" block everything else option.

It's also good for parents to block any unknown callers to their family devices to stop things like bullying etc. The option I used to use on Android was a 3rd party app not sure if this developer could make something similar but if so they could sure earn some dollar from it.

The app also provides more infromation during an incoming call - that's not pointless. True, not "completely" pointless but I think there efforts would have been better spent on a true safe list option. Also, this App could get you into trouble. Identifying the true caller on your screen rather than just a random number could be embarrassing in some situations. If an app isn't what you're looking for, then don't install it.

I get calls from around the country that are not in my contact list that I need to take, as they may be a new customer. However, I'd like to know if the number calling has been reported by others as a spammer. I love this idea. Just got the app to work by moving it from SD to the Phone memory. Now working on my Lumia with 8. Calling this app "pointless" makes everything else you posted irrelevant.

Just because you don't see the use in something, doesn't mean it is useless. I would far prefer the features of this app over a blanket white list Get over yourself. Move the app to phone memory Good tip! Not working still. Thanks for the help. Dont move install the app fromstore after changing storing option to phone memory it will work then too..!

Needs Cyan, thanks Verizon for continuing your quest to stuck as much as possible. Some of us are still waiting for Black, you know Difference between Premium and Free one is For those of you who, like me, are on a T-mobile Lumia and therefore suffer from not yet having received the Black no less the Cyan or Denim update, it is worth pointing out that Truecaller doesn't work on the Black firmware It's been known for a long time that the Lumia will not received any more updates.

At least you know you won't get any more updates. Wish Verizon would tell us one way or the other. Also, my is on Dev Preview Nice enhancement to the OS and great to see Microsoft working to add useful features. So does this mean they brought back the option to just use the address book like in the good ole days of wm6.

Not working on nokia lumia too neither on wifi nor on 3g. Amazing update. Btw for those this feature is not working, try moving the app to Phone storage from SD Card. It will work. No its still not working! Any other tips?? Uninstall the app.. How much will Premium access cost after the first 30 days? Well I don't bother taking a call unless it's from a known contact or repeated calls from the same unknown number But sure what's the harm in trying it out.

Somebody tell me what are the premium features. This feat is long awaited. It's here and its all because of a company that actually cares about its user. From the bottom of my heart, its been a long ride, thnx for sticking with us. I'm all over this. Not only is it a great tool, but the developer is responsive and a cool guy.

All the "pointless" critics need to try stuff before dismissing others work. Working like charm! Try moving the app to phone memory.. It ll work.. Because mine is Whats premium update. What does Premium access bring you and how much does it cost? I'm guessing it is a monthly fee? Don't see that option. L dev preview. Firmware not accepted. Da fuq? I blame TMO bitches. Only works with Lumia Cyan. Does not work with Ativ SE.

Finally incoming caller id. App is still fked up. Not working with update 8. Not Working Hopefully it ID's business and other useful calls that i might somtimes send to voiceail not recognizing the. I get some spam calls and many without caller ID no names and this can help especially when i don't want to limit my "contacts" to people i call regularly.

Thanks, T-Mobile. Carriers killing windows and Microsoft watching like a fool. When is this gonna change, I wonder. Much awaited feature. This shit added a ton of people to my contacts with various spam names with a picture of a circle with a line through it now my people hub constantly shows that symbol because they're are so many entries! They better delete when the app is uninstalled or I'll pissed! Now you can hide them, just tap the filter options from the peoples hub, and uncheck true caller.

Thank you thank you thank you!!! I was super mad since my People tile was showing a bunch of red circles!!!!

I didn't know we could hide them!! Thank you!!!! Thank the folks at the truecaller and one of them is in WPC, Kamran Mamedi, I guess, this was recently added in the update, they even gave a link and showed how to do it.

It is in under call filter itself, though the texts are smaller. That's a list of known spammers. I presume each country has its own list. What does "moving the app to phone memory" mean? We're not techie nerds here people :. Moving the app to phone memory means to uninstall the app from the SD card in your phone, and install it directly to the Phone instead.

Easiest way to explain it to someone who is not a techie like myself is as follows: 1. Uninstall the app. If desired, reset the "Store new apps on my" back to "SD card". Hope this helps a lot of people out there. Please try this before complaining it doesn't work. These guys should really do what WhatsApp does and say you need to install it to the phone and ask if you want to do so. Not working for me I need Cyan!

Verizon is killing me! After installing the truecaller update, I still cant use the caller ID feature and it says to update the network and application. This keeps on going in a loop. Even after restarting the phone it does the same. Please advise if anything else needs to done to get the caller ID working?? Same here. Same here as well. Change app install location to phone memory in Storage Sense.

Then reinstall the app. That's how I fixed it. Thanks Abhinav, this worked. After the update, when I switch on the caller ID, it takes me to some pop up menu and when k is pressed, it goes back to the app and turns it off again. Install it to phone memory, problem solved. Yes, I did.

But still it persists. Looks like a good app, giving it a try right now. I can't try this yet but I think it is a great update. I use the older version of this app and like the concept. Having real-time checking is even better. Mine working like a charm on wifi Only issue on 2g is that it will take too much time to retrieve data from truecaller server, else it should work. I even moved the app to phone memory. Any idea how to on the feature. Indian users seem to be experiencing this. Darkryd u on dp?

No, dude, and this seems to affect only Indian users. Everybody Who installed the app on SD card is facing this. Follow the steps given in a previous comment to get it to work. I m gonna install it right away!!! We have this feature on Finland with Fonecta app if using Lumia. Fonecta app at least is very handy, it shows directly in dialer who's calling if the number is not in contact list. It is now working as it should. Manjot Singh you are on developers preview or a normal cyan update.

Yeah,I think app needs to be coded properly for WP8. Also,I got an update today but it didn't fixed the issue. The BEST match-3 game on the marketplace! Pirate's Path leads you through a story with over 50 unique levels as you search for an ancient pirate treasure.

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